
MYSQL 을 지원하는 무료 ERD 툴

spoork 2005. 1. 12. 16:21
사이트 주소 :

General Information - What is DBDesigner 4?

DBDesigner 4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creation and maintenance into a single, seamless environment.

It combines professional features and a clear and simple user interface to offer the most efficient way to handle your databases.

DBDesigner 4 compares to products like Oracle's Designer©, IBM's Rational Rose©, Computer Associates's ERwin© and theKompany's DataArchitect© but is an Open Source Project available for Microsoft Windows© 2k/XP and Linux KDE/Gnome. It is release on the GPL.

DBDesigner 4 and MySQL

DBDesigner 4 is developed and optimized for the open source MySQL-Database to support MySQL users with a powerful and free available design tool.

All MySQL specific features have been built in to offer the most convenient way to design and keep control of your MySQL-Databases.